Jo-Anne's Blog

My thoughts, challenges, ideas & inspirations. Welcome to my world.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Moving Houses!

Hey all!

I am sure you're wondering why this blog has been so inactive..well I moved :)

I moved over to wordpress because I just prefer it to blogger, over there you will find everything in one!

Faith, Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle and more!

Please do check it out, follow me over there, subscribe and leave your comments.

It's updated regularly so don't miss out! See you there :D
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Sunday 22 June 2014

Vision and Self Belief

Wow, so this 40-Day fast has been quite something so far right? For those that are in it of course.

Today I want to talk about something that is being very much emphasised during this period, vision and i'm not speaking about the ability to see lol but the kind of vision that comes with imagination.

As a child, I had a vivid imagination, I loved to draw, despite not actually having any kind of gift for it lol and making things from nothing has always been a joy of mine, although, again it never quite comes out the way I expect.

Regardless, when it comes to imagination, I have no shortage and once I get an idea into my mind, an image, I want to fulfil that even if I lack the skill needed to do so.

The mind is a very powerful thing isn't it? It has the ability to form a crystal clear image in your mind almost as if it was real, don't believe me? Close your eyes and imagine something you want to achieve in the future - the kind of house you would love to have, the kind of job you want, the family you want etc. Go on I will give you a moment to do so, just open your eyes when you are done ;).

Amazing right? But what about when that vision seems so impossible that you stop believing in it and yourself? What if the images your physical vision is feeding you begins to eat away at your dream? What then?

I recently and am still going through this exact situation. I have a dream, a vision, something in my mind then when I picture it, the picture is as clear as day, I can see myself there, almost as if it is a reality - but as of now it isn't. However this dream has one hiccup, I began looking at others who are already some what living the dream that I have - not exactly but in one way or another they are and before I knew it a feeling of disbelief in myself started to grow but why? I looked at them and saw I didn't have the skill they did so I began to think, if I don't have the skill they do, then what makes me think I can break through in this - and I know many of you will be like "you have God!' yes indeed I do but these individuals (I believe) have Him too!

I began scaling down my dream and without me realising it was dying. Not just my dream but it began affecting other areas of my life - I just didn't believe in my potential, I thought "no someone else can do a much better job than me" and that is probably true! But the thing is I'm doing that certain work or I am taking care of a certain part of a project and it isn't for no reason, it's because those who placed me there can see my potential to smash it lol. My self belief or lack of it began to affect my performance and I was not doing things as I could. I realised this but it wasn't until I spoke to someone that the spark to fight was lit and that's where I am today - ready to do the extraordinary to realise my dream or at least get it kick started lol.

And what's the point of this story?

Everyone has a vision, but unfortunately due to surrounding circumstances, maybe a hard situation they are going through right now, what they see with their physical vision etc. a cloud begins to surround that vision in their mind chocking until the point they can't see it anymore and it's suffocated and eventually dies.

Don't allow this vision of what you want in physical things but most importantly of YOURSELF die - but stand up and fight for it, no one said good things would come easy did they?

This 40-Day fast coupled with the Greatest of all Campaigns is an opportunity like you have never received before and maybe will never come again. You have everything you need to succeed with these two things in every single area of your life and in 40 Days (well less than that now) that is just over 1 month! Your life can do a 360 degree flip in every way possible that you may not even recognise yourself lol, however that is if you are willing to put the work in to make the picture in your head come alive before your very eyes.

I know I am and why? Because now I believe that picture in my head, regardless of my skill or whatever the boundary may be, that vision is MINE and ALL MINE and I can do it - well I will never know until I try, and not a half-hearted 'oh yh i tried' kind of try but until I give it everything I have got.

And you? What about your vision? Is it worth sweat, struggle, maybe even tears? If so, fight, otherwise you may just live the rest of your life regretting not fighting for that dream...

Until next time,

I am on the way to the extraordinary.
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Saturday 14 June 2014

On a new journey...

Hello all :)

It has been a while hasn't it, well considering I have been offline for a while and only got internet back yesterday hehe!

I decided just to write this quick message to show you that I haven't forgotten you all.

I am on a new journey called The 40-Days - Want to know more? I will be writing here daily, yes daily my experiences of this journey.

see you soon

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Tuesday 5 February 2013

The V-Woman - She Appreciates

The V-Woman appreciates what she has and she shows this by what she does to people around her, cooking, cleaning, ironing etc is a joy for her because she appreciates her family.

You can only start appreciating something when you know the true value of it, even when it comes to ourselves, if we do not know our own true value we cannot appreciate ourselves, and this lack of appreciation can reflect on the outside and even give this impression to others.

When we do not appreciate ourselves others will be and in the same way if we appreciate ourselves everyone will see, they will see that there is something different about you. IF you appreciate others they will also appreciate you back.

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Wednesday 30 January 2013

The V-Woman - She's Strong

I read the chapter She's Strong and what stood out to begin with was that if a V-Woman is not Spiritually strong then her physical strength is worthless its completely useless, a strong woman will keep moving even if everyone around her has stopped, pressed the paused button she keeps going, to me this shows that a V-Woman is not driven by people she motivates herself, she does not give up - the strength we need is FAITH.
The V-Woman girds herself, to gird is to prepare.

One of the easiest things we can do choose to do is to believe, one common reason why a woman does not believe in herself is because she is weak minded and this goes back to a V-Woman being strong she is strong in her mind! A weak minded woman will take in anything, any evil thought. Although she is not the only one that gets them but she chooses to accept them which causes her to be weak minded, every time thoughts like this knock we must close the door in its face!! The more we do this the more we will get used to it and the more you will  start to respect yourself.

To believe in yourself and your ability etc is only 50% of the battle, but you also need to believe in the other 50% and rely on it also...God! We need to have an active faith, to speak to God, listen to Him, do His will etc...have a REAL relationship with Him.

I think the biggest thing that really stood out was that although everyone around you can have an active faith and help you have a positive attitude but they cannot give you what you need to keep it up for long.

Like i said before, the V-Woman does not need others to help her keep going, to keep positive to keep moving, although it helps she does not rely on it... because she is strong and has an active faith and a strong relationship with God. She rely on Him and follows His will, She is strong minded and does not allow negative thoughts to stay in her mind, she is focused and knows what she wants!!
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Wednesday 23 January 2013

The V-Woman - She finds opportunites

While reading this chapter the first thing that caught my attention was that opportunities are like hidden treasures and only a few notice them - the V-Woman is always looking for opportunities to increase her gain. So instead of using her profit to clothe her family etc she will use it to invest more and gain more. This is very interesting and seems like a very wise thing to do, the V-Woman is very wise with her investments and money.

Another thing that really caught my attention was that people who are always on the look out for new opportunities see things from the top therefore they see further and even see things that others do not - this also enables them to do things that no one else thinks of - they take more initiative.

This shows me that the V-Woman is productive and also that God is able to really speak to her more and show her more things because she makes the effort to see these things (of that makes sense) she goes searching and when she has nothing to do or wants a new challenge she will look for one as opposed to waiting for a new responsibility or something to fall on her lap.
People of often complain about never getting opportunities, responsibilities etc. when they see others having so much entrusted to them are the same ones who keep waiting for things to happen, waiting for a blessing that they could fight to achieve, waiting for their boss, Pr, leader etc to give them something to do instead of asking if there is anything or using there initiative and looking for something to do.

Life is about changing, getting better, doing better and growing!

Instead of pointing fingers find a solution, instead of coming to your boss, leader etc with a problem come to them with a solution, a way to get around it...think!

God meets halfway those who meet Him halfway first, we cannot expect God to do everything and us do nothing it does not work like that in the same way God does not expect us to do everything He does His part as well.

The V-woman does not complain about lack of opportunity she finds them! If we keep waiting for opportunities to come knocking we will never meet them!

So, what i learnt from all of this is we need to go out find opportunities make things happen! Because in life things rarely fall on our lap, we need to fight, search, go out there and grow! I believe The V-Woman prospers because of the opportunities she creates for herself. Maybe you are one trusts me to do things, or that no one gives you a change to show what you can do...well maybe you need to go and create that opportunity, meet God halfway and He will do the rest!

Jo x
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Sunday 20 January 2013

The V-Woman - She's Disciplined

This week I read the chapter in the V-Woman book titled: She's Disciplined.

I really learnt a lot from this chapter, things that I can apply to my life, the first point that stood out to me was that a V-Woman - if she wants something done well she will do it herself, because no one can do something like the way you can, she knows what is important, she prioritizes and nothing comes before her priorities. Sometimes as women, as we are so busy, if we are not focused we can lose sight of our priorities and start putting the more important things further down in the list without realizing. 

In the chapter, the V-Woman is also referred to as a dynamic woman, a woman who can do many things at once, multi-task. Women are known for their skill to multi-task but for some i thing it is a skill that needs to be acquired, practiced, learnt. However a women learns or manages to multi-task, in this day in age i believe it is a necessity, a need, with so many things to do and so little time i don't think women can afford to be without this skill.

The chapter also spoke a lot about time, that the V-Woman plans her days and weeks ahead of time, she is fast and gets things done! Procrastination is something i personally battle with a lot which is quite strange as i am a person that likes to get things done. I think the biggest issue is that there are so many distractions to your goals to what you want to achieve or what you want to do that it keeps getting put off, the V-Woman, as i wrote is fast and gets things done. From this i can see that she does not waste her time with distractions but always puts her hands to work. She is efficient and finds better ways to do things in shorter amounts of time and she hates to leave things undone. She always strives to do better then the day before.

An example of this in the Bible is Mary and Martha.

Martha forgot her priorities, her priority should have been to sit with Jesus, to choose the 'best part' as He said Mary did, instead she was too busy trying to fix the house etc. If Jesus came to my house, i would drop everything to sit at His feet and listen, oh what a privilege!! but Martha did not see it like that, she was more concerned with the physical things. My Priority is my relationship with God, but if we as women become too busy with the physical things, we will lose sight of what should be first place in our life and this can damage us greatly. The important things will not seem as important anymore because what we are busy working on seems like the most important thing at that moment.
When we have a lot to do in a small space of time, we can feel like we are losing control - i know i have felt like this before - so much so that we can lose control of our tongue, we do not think of what we are going to say resulting in saying things that we do not mean and that can be hurtful.

We need to know our priorities, if our Spiritual life is not in check, it will reflect in our lives as chaos and mess.

Know what comes first! Set your priorities straight!

God Bless,

Jo x
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